American Heart Association logoThe Social Impact Funds

What We Do

UFI In the News Photo Courtesy WGBH

Our Mission

社会影响基金是协会推动人人享有公平保健和福祉的一项高度优先战略, 特别是通过健康的不利社会决定因素和相关的结构性不平等. 通过这些基金进行的投资旨在从社区内部解决社区的需求. Specifically, the funds are focused on:

Providing access to capital


Combating structural inequalities

通过包容和创新的方式投资于社会企业家和组织,这些社会企业家和组织反映了他们的社区,并致力于解决那里的挑战.  这通常包括投资于各种各样的中小企业,这些企业一直被风险资本系统性地绕过.


for Social Impact Funds portfolio of SMEs. 这包括不断寻求社会企业与其社区之间的协同作用, knowledge transfer across communities, and replication of effective interventions.


to ensure we are working on the most pressing challenges.  这也包括不断与更大的投资者网络接触,以确保融资机会的连续性.

美国心脏协会创建了社会影响基金,重新构想社区转型的方法,通过以下方式与健康的社会决定因素作斗争 three key impact lenses focused on results.

By their nature, 健康的社会决定因素及其在结构性遗留系统中的根源是相互关联的. For example, transportation is often a barrier to accessing health services, 与此同时,交通解决方案也会影响气候和环境健康.

To clearly address the priority investment categories, the following three areas will shape these targeted efforts, 承认许多解决方案将对概述的主题产生影响.


Access to Health and Health Care

Access to affordable, accessible, 文化上适当的优质保健和保健是一项基本价值. 在大多数情况下,传统卫生保健系统之外的因素是线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的障碍. The funds focus on overcoming or eliminating these challenges. 在获得保健方面的投资是对我们其他举措的补充, 包括我们针对卫生和卫生系统的宣传和组合工作,以及与其他SDOH类别的协同作用.


  • Innovation and Technology
    Health tech, pharm tech, mental health care tech, social/emotional well-being tech and innovation makers

    Advancing technologies offer new and scalable solutions, 它的设计是为了解决历史上资源不足社区的障碍, can reframe access to health.

  • Service and Transportation Platforms
    改善非紧急医疗保健的获取和知识的公司, platforms removing language barriers, nonemergency transportation solutions, 种族平等的围产期和精神保健以及保健服务行业内的就业/培训机会

    Some solutions may be variations of traditional services, such as last-mile transportation or community health workers. 其他国家可能会设立社区卫生大使,提供值得信赖的指导和导航. And some may focus on loneliness and connection.

Food Security

粮食安全包括从农业到粮食废物管理的整个粮食生态系统. 无论是营利性还是非营利性的中小企业,在农业综合企业垂直/价值链上都可以更好地获得负担得起的服务, healthy and environmentally sustainable foods.


  • Sustainable rural farming
  • Urban farming and farming cooperatives
  • Logistics
  • Processing
  • “Agritech”
  • Last-mile delivery (B2B and B2C)
  • Innovative logistics
  • Aquaculture/blue economy
  • Healthy food retail
  • Institutional meal providers
  • Food retailers
  • Increased healthy food purchasing power
  • Food hubs
  • Food waste management
  • Mobile markets

Fortunately, 粮食安全和其他SDOH类别之间存在显著重叠, including food industry fair and living wage practices, 气候友好型种植和运输实践以及医疗保健系统和食品服务解决方案. 这些资金将补充以粮食系统为重点的其他宣传和组合工作.

Economic Resiliency and Poverty Reduction

通过扩大教育机会促进经济稳定, employment programs, 银行做法和负担得起的住房对于取得积极的健康成果至关重要.


  • Vocational training
  • Recidivism programs
  • Employment programs
  • Anti-usury financial services
  • Early education
  • Affordable housing
  • Eviction prevention
  • Broadband/internet access
  • Reducing the education achievement gap
  • Edtech
  • Violence prevention

正如在其他类别中所指出的,跨多个计划获得结果的机会是重要的. 以卫生部门服务或食品行业工资做法为重点的培训有利于经济恢复力和获得保健/粮食安全. 我们的宣传和投资组合工作也解决了许多这些问题.