

Dr. 谢尔登鉴定, medical director at the Sunnybrook Center for Prehospital Medicine in Toronto, 用AED无人机. (图片由Drone Delivery Canada提供)
Dr. 谢尔登鉴定, medical director at the Sunnybrook Center for Prehospital Medicine in Toronto, 用AED无人机. (图片由Drone Delivery Canada提供)

It was a race with life-or-death implications: Unmanned drones were pitted against traditional emergency responders to see which could get an automated external defibrillator to the rural site of a simulated cardiac arrest first.

无人机轻松获胜. And the Canadian researcher behind the test said such a system might be ready for the real world in as little as a year.

结果将于周六公布 初步研究结果 at the 美国心脏协会's Resuscitation Science Symposium in Philadelphia.

这个项目建立在研究的基础上, in theory, 一个运送aed的无人机网络可能会拯救生命. 但是这项新研究的主要作者,Dr. 谢尔登鉴定, medical director at the Sunnybrook Center for Prehospital Medicine in Toronto, 他说这次测试表明无人机可以在现实世界中发挥作用.

每年在美国.S., 超过350个,医院外有000人心脏骤停, when the heart stops beating because its electrical system malfunctions. 只有10%的人存活下来. AEDs are small devices that can shock a heart back to a normal rhythm. 更多的被放置在公共场所, Cheskes said, 但大多数心脏骤停发生在私人家中.

For someone in cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR raises the chance of death by 7% to 10%. In rural communities with long waits for emergency responders, that's a particular problem.  

看看无人机是否能帮助加快AED的到来, 研究人员在安大略省农村进行了四次模拟. 每一个都涉及一个模拟的911电话. A drone and an emergency medical services team were dispatched simultaneously to locations 6.6 to 8.8公里远(那是4公里).1 to 5.5 miles). 训练有素的急救人员拿着测试假人等着.

无人机每次都能打败急救队. 差额从2开始.1 to 4.快4分钟.

Cheskes' team then pitted drones against paramedics responding to calls at distances of 12 to 18 miles away. 在这些测试中,无人机以7到8分钟的优势获胜.

That helped show how the farther a person is from traditional EMS services, 无人机服务带来的好处可能越大, said Dr. Michael C. Kurz, an associate professor and physician-scientist at the Center for Injury Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Kurz, 谁没有参与这项研究, said the successful use of technology that lets drones fly beyond the operators' line of sight is "a big deal."

"This technology is game-changing in rural areas where public access defibrillation ­­— the placement of AEDs in public spaces or large venues — is not yet cost-effective or terrain is a significant factor in response times," Kurz said.

The findings, he said, represent "a true next step in the realization of widespread AED delivery by drones."

These drones, Cheskes noted, are not something most people would fly in their backyard. Controlled from a dispatch center that can be far from the launch site, the drones fly 250 to 300 feet above the ground at a speed of up to 75 mph.

Cheskes, 谁是加拿大无人机快递公司的顾问, 开发无人机的公司, acknowledged several challenges before drones can be dispatched on real 911 calls.

一个是如何将AED送到旁观者手中. “你让无人机着陆吗?? 你会把AED用绳子拴在无人机上吗? Do you use a parachute device to let it softly land on the ground so it could be picked up?"

测试正在进行中. Researchers on his team also are working on how to help bystanders interact with the drone and AED. They'll be testing a smartphone with an app that would attach to the AED and connect to a dispatcher.

切克斯认为这些问题可以在一年左右的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽内解决. 一旦发生这种情况, he expects to hear of the first person being saved by a drone-delivered AED within six months.

As futuristic as the prospects are, Kurz said, drones' success will depend on more than technology. “人际关系是绝对必要的."

他说,旁观者仍然需要介入. "The lay public will continue to be an essential part of the chain of survival. 开展认识心脏骤停的教育工作, 获取紧急服务, 为旁观者进行心肺复苏,并使用AED, 可能由无人机运送, 提高心脏骤停患者存活率的基础是什么." 

查看更多线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 科学会议.

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