

新型冠状病毒肺炎显微图像. (汉娜. Bullock, Azaibi Tamin/疾病预防控制中心)
新型冠状病毒肺炎显微图像. (疾病预防控制中心 /汉娜. 布洛克(阿扎比·塔敏)

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的 coronavirus should have everyone's attention by now, health experts say. 心脏病患者也有 额外的理由要保持警惕(链接在新窗口中打开).

新型冠状病毒肺炎, 由病毒引起的疾病, was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December and has since sickened hundreds of thousands of people and killed thousands around the globe.

对于有潜在心脏问题的人来说,这种担忧是严重的. It appears people over 65 with coronary heart disease are more likely to develop more severe symptoms. 今年2月,美国心脏病学会发布了一份报告 公告 to warn patients about the potential increased risk and to encourage "additional, 合理的预防措施."

根据早期的报告, 40% of hospitalized 新型冠状病毒肺炎 patients had cardiovascular disease or cerebrovascular disease (which refers to blood flow in the brain, 比如中风), 根据公告. Different areas of the country are seeing different levels of virus activity, 虽然病毒现在在每个州蔓延, 和 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is advising> those most at risk to stay home, 避开人群,限制与他人的接触.

这种病毒可以通过几种方式影响心脏病患者, 奥利·瓦尔德尼说, associate professor of medicine at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and University of Minnesota.

这种病毒的主要目标是肺部. 但这可能会影响心脏, 尤其是患病的心脏, 哪一种需要更努力地将含氧血液输送到全身, 说Vardeny, 行政协调会公报顾问. "In general, you can think of it as something that is taxing the system as a whole."

这可能会加剧心力衰竭患者的问题, 心脏已经无法有效泵送的地方.

Someone with an underlying heart issue also might have a less robust immune system. 瓦尔德尼说,人的免疫系统会随着年龄的增长而减弱. “对于那些患有慢性疾病的人, the body's immune response is not as strong a response when exposed to viruses."

If such a person catches a virus, she said, it's likely to stick around and cause complications.

A virus also may pose a special risk for people who have the fatty buildup known as plaque in their arteries, Vardeny说. Evidence indicates similar viral illnesses can destabilize these plaques, potentially resulting in the blockage of an artery feeding blood to the heart, 使病人有心脏病发作的危险.

Vardeny强调 关于新型冠状病毒肺炎的信息 几乎每小时都在变化. 但之前的冠状病毒,如SARS和MERS,提供了一些见解. 它们与心肌炎症等问题有关, 心脏病发作和快速心力衰竭, 行政协调会的公报说.

新型冠状病毒肺炎与流感也有相似之处, 说Vardeny, 同时也是美国心脏协会的志愿者. At the moment, she said, "We don't think the actual risk is any higher per se. 只是传播速度更快.与流感不同的是,它没有疫苗.

确诊病例数 新型冠状病毒肺炎的情况正在迅速变化. 的 World Health Organization reported the fatality rate from the illness was between 2% and 4% in Wuhan, 和0.武汉以外地区7%.

相比之下,截至3月中旬,中国股市的涨幅为6.9% 疾病预防控制中心 估计 至少有3600万人感染了流感, 370,000人住院,22人,本季美国有5000人死于禽流感.

Many of the same precautions that work against the flu should be helpful against the new coronavirus, Vardeny说, because it appears to spread the same way – through droplets in the air when someone coughs or sneezes.

现在, 她建议人们通过洗手来保护自己, 保持表面清洁,避免前往爆发疫情的地区. 3月16日, the White House asked Americans to follow new guidelines for two weeks that include avoiding gathering in groups of more than 10 people; and refraining from discretionary travel, 购物旅行或社交访问, 还有去餐馆或酒吧.

的 ACC 公告 recommends people with cardiovascular disease stay up to date with vaccinations, 包括肺炎. 的 ACC also supports getting a flu shot to prevent another source of fever, 哪些可能与冠状病毒感染混淆.

Dr. 南希Messonnier, director of the 国家中心 for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned in a February news conference – before confirmed cases spread nationwide – that residents needed to prepare. 她的机构是疾控中心的一部分. Messonnier summed up her advice as, "Stay home if you're sick; cover your cough; wash your hands."

自从那次线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会, 该国一直在处理大范围停工的问题, 学校及其他.

"I understand this whole situation may seem overwhelming and that disruption to everyday life may be severe,她说.

编者注:本文于4月22日修订. 访问的心.Org获取最新报道, and check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health officials for the most recent guidance.

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  • Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, the 美国心脏协会's chief medical officer for prevention, 分享建议和资源 对于患者和其他担心冠状病毒的人.


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