
By American Heart Association News

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在三个黑人族群中,心血管危险因素存在重大差异, according to new research.

The preliminary study, 周三在凤凰城举行的美国心脏协会流行病学和预防/生活方式和心脏代谢健康科学会议上发表, sought to separate risk factors among black ethnic groups in the U.S. 通过比较非裔美国人、非洲移民、非洲加勒比人和白人.

统计数据已经显示,心血管风险因素对黑人的影响程度不成比例. Their rate of high blood pressure is among the highest in the world, and compared to white people, 他们经常进行体育锻炼的比例较低,患糖尿病和不良饮食的比例较高.

在这项新研究中,研究人员查看了超过45万名美国黑人和白人的数据.S. adults from 2010 to 2018 and focused on four risk factors: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. The study showed several disparities among black ethnic groups.

在这项研究中,非裔美国人出现这四种风险因素的频率高于其他人. African immigrants had the lowest occurrence of all four risk factors, 尽管他们比非裔美国人和白人投保的可能性要小.

"Typically, people who have higher access to health care are more healthy, 所以很有趣的是,非洲移民群体的风险更低," said Diana Baptiste, the study's lead researcher. “非洲移民可以过着更健康的生活方式,即使他们不像其他群体那样获得医疗服务."


“由于文化差异,非洲移民不太可能吸烟. In Africa, it's very frowned upon," said Baptiste, 她是巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学护理学院的助理教授.

The study, she said, 强调在考虑心血管疾病及其风险因素时,不要将黑人混为一谈的重要性.

“研究人员通常把所有人都归为‘非裔美国人’,' even though this study finds there's a huge difference" between U.S.-born and foreign-born black people, she said.


她说:“通过采取一些额外的步骤,医生可以为病人制定个性化的治疗计划。. "They need to look deeper, beyond race, and look at social factors such as wealth, employment and education. 他们的病人可能都被认为是黑人,但他们都来自不同的行业."

这项研究受到非洲移民和加勒比裔非洲人的小样本量的限制. Ivor J. 位于密尔沃基的威斯康星医学院心血管中心主任Benjamin说. Of 82,835 black people included in the analysis, 5% were African immigrants and 6% were Afro-Caribbean.

Still, 本杰明称这是“一项重要的研究,它引起了人们对健康的社会决定因素的关注,并表明这些决定因素应该包括在护理人员对心血管疾病的评估中。."

“某些疾病的患病率可能会因走进你办公室的人而有所不同," said Benjamin, the immediate past president of the American Heart Association. He was not involved in the new research.

Despite differences, 一般来说,黑人应该密切注意自己的血压, Benjamin said. As of 2016, nearly 58% of black men and about 53% of black women in the U.S. had high blood pressure. In the new study, 在9年的研究期间,非洲移民的高血压率在20%左右徘徊,但非洲裔美国人的高血压率从未低于40%.

"If you are black and you're hypertensive, Life's Simple 7 should be at the forefront of the primary interventions," Benjamin said, referring to the AHA's set of health metrics that focus on blood pressure, smoking status, physical activity, weight, diet, blood glucose and cholesterol.

“通过团队护理来实施高血压指南是很重要的,”他说. "If physicians, 执业护士和社区卫生工作者一起帮助控制血压, we can reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes."

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