
By American Heart Association News

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(Nastasic/E+, Getty Images)

Testosterone therapy may boost hormone levels in older men, but it won't help their arteries work better, new research shows.

这项研究周一发表在美国心脏协会杂志上 Hypertension, 研究表明,年龄在50到70岁之间的男性,腰围大于正常水平,睾丸激素水平低于正常水平,可以在12周内促进动脉的健康和功能, supervised exercise training program. 增加睾酮治疗提高了男性的激素水平,但对改善动脉健康没有任何作用, the study found.

"Testosterone therapy may have some benefits, for example in increasing muscle mass in the legs," study author Daniel J. Green, 他是珀斯西澳大利亚大学心血管运动生理学研究员, said in a news release. "However, we didn't find any benefits in terms of artery function, which is a determinant of future cardiovascular risk."

研究表明,睾丸激素水平下降与心脏病风险增加之间存在联系. 随着男性年龄的增长,睾丸激素水平和体力活动会自然下降. 这会导致动脉健康和功能下降,从而增加患心脏病的风险.

越来越多的男性开始寻求睾丸素替代疗法, which has seen a 12-fold increase in sales in recent decades. 它通常用于治疗低能量,肌肉量减少和活力下降. However, 之前的研究还不清楚睾丸激素疗法是否对心脏健康有益.

"The global increase in testosterone use has been very large, 尤其是在中年和老年男性中,他们可能将其视为一种能增加能量和活力的恢复性激素," Green said.

In the new study, 78 men were randomly placed into four treatment groups: topical testosterone therapy combined with a 12-week training program that included aerobic and strength exercises two to three times per week; testosterone therapy alone; placebo alone; or placebo combined with the exercise training.

运动训练和睾酮治疗都提高了研究中男性的激素水平, 在接受睾酮治疗的两组中,睾酮水平最高. 但动脉健康状况的改善只发生在锻炼组.

研究人员使用一种增加动脉内血流量的方法来测量动脉功能. 这是评估内层以及它是否能帮助动脉增大或扩张. They found artery function improved 28% in the group that received exercise training alone; it improved just 19% in the group that received a combination of exercise training and testosterone therapy.

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