He went for knee surgery and wound up getting a new heart

By Diane Daniel, 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

迈克 Wigal (right) with his wife, 凯西. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)
迈克 Wigal (right) with his wife, 凯西. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)

Just before 迈克 Wigal was put under for arthroscopic knee surgery, the anesthesiologist stopped the procedure. He needed to check something he saw on a heart monitor.

手术后, 整形外科医生告诉维加尔,他没有发现膝盖内部有任何问题.

“然而, we've made you an appointment with a cardiologist,医生说, 解释说医疗小组检测到他心律异常.

Wigal was 38 and worked the swing shift at a factory. 他和他的妻子, 凯西, stayed busy with their two teenage boys, 学校体育, 4-H and church activities in Wooster, 俄亥俄州.

Sometimes 迈克 felt fatigued, but who wouldn't, he figured.

Still, that abnormal rhythm required further evaluation. The doctor ordered a cardiac catheterization procedure, 告诉维加尔,最可能的问题是堵塞,需要支架,最不可能的是心脏病.

手术后, the doctor delivered the news.

Wigal had cardiomyopathy, a type of heart disease.

"Your heart is already enlarged and working at 35%,医生说. “我们唯一能做的就是给你药物治疗,唯一的治疗方法就是心脏移植。."

威格尔麻木了. Neither he nor his wife knew anyone who'd gotten a heart transplant.

"That seemed like something out of the movies," 凯西 said.

在接下来的几年里,维加尔感觉良好,尽管他的耐力持续下降. He eventually stopped working and went on disability.

In 2007, more than seven years after the cardiomyopathy diagnosis, 当地医生将维加尔的治疗转移到了哥伦布的一家心脏病医院, 俄亥俄州. 第二年,医生说是时候给他做一次检查,考虑把他列入移植名单了.


2月. 13, 2009, 迈克 learned he was going on the list. He gave a fist pump and hugged 凯西.

第二天——情人节——迈克给凯西买了一条有两颗心的项链, 一个比另一个大.

"This represents me," he told her. "The large one is my old heart and the small one is the new one."

在名单上,迈克接了每一个电话,并在90分钟内到达医院. He and 凯西 kept a packed suitcase in the trunk of their car.

Within months, 迈克's energy and stamina had declined. In late November, doctors said he needed to check into the hospital.

"Be prepared to stay until you receive a heart,医生说.

麦克和凯西和直系亲属一起提前过圣诞节, a gathering that was both joyous and somber.


迈克, usually optimistic and cheerful, turned impatient and frustrated.

On day six, he told the nurse he'd had enough.




"I thought I was going to faint," 凯西 said. "We were all laughing and so excited."

12月. 10, 2009, 迈克 received a new heart. Twelve days later, he walked out of the hospital.

迈克 Wigal recovering after his heart transplant in 2009. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)
迈克 Wigal recovering after his heart transplant in 2009. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)


有一段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, he and 凯西 attended a support group for heart transplant survivors, 但那是在医院——这意味着每天大约一个半小时的车程. 因此,迈克想到了在俄亥俄州的阿米什乡村举办一个周末聚会,让幸存者和他们的伴侣交谈和社交. That started in 2011 with about 20 people. It's since grown to some 80 people.

迈克 learned his donor was a 21-year-old man. 他通过促进和协调器官移植的非营利组织“捐赠生命”(捐赠 Life)给这家人写信.

“写第一封信是我做过的最困难的事情,”迈克说. “知道我的捐赠者是一个拥有完整人生的年轻人,这真的很难."

每年,他和凯西都会更新迈克的健康状况和家庭照片. They kept writing even though they heard nothing in return.

移植六年后,迈克收到了捐赠者母亲的一封信. She said her son's organs had saved five lives.

"Your letters and cards bring us much comfort and joy," she wrote. “我的儿子活在你们身上,为此我永远感激你们."

迈克 and 凯西 Wigal at a Heart Walk in 2021. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)
迈克 and 凯西 Wigal at a Heart Walk in 2021. (Photo courtesy of 迈克 Wigal)

迈克非常珍视那封信的原件,他把它锁在一个保险箱里. 作为“捐赠生命”的大使,他在向团体演讲时朗读一份副本.

他要传达的信息是:如果你还没有想过捐献器官,那么请捐献吧. And if you have, please make sure your family knows your wishes.

迈克, who now has six granddaughters, will celebrate the 12th anniversary of his new heart in December.

He and 凯西 say he's a changed man, more caring and emotional.

"We lived such a fast-paced life," 凯西 said. "Now we cherish the little things and each other more."

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

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