
By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

Dumitru Ochievschi/iStock via Getty Images
(Dumitru Ochievschi/iStock via Getty Images)

高血压, 肥胖和其他危险因素继续导致世界范围内心脏病和中风的高发, 包括在美国.S. 哪里每年死于心血管疾病的人数接近100万.


2024 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: A Report of U.S. and Global Data From the American Heart Association," published Wednesday in the AHA journal Circulation, 详细介绍在降低心血管疾病风险方面取得的进展,例如吸烟的减少. 但是,在预防心脏病和中风方面取得的重大进展并没有带来应有的好处, 博士说. 赛斯马丁, 他是巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯医学院的心脏病专家,也是撰写该报告的43人小组的主席.

"We know so much about what works to improve outcomes for patients, but there are still major gaps in translating that into daily practice,”马丁说。, 也是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的医学教授. “我们迫切需要在实施方面进行创新,这样我们才能缩小这些差距."



近一半的美国人.S. 超过1.22亿成年人患有高血压,也被称为高血压. 这种情况会损害和削弱动脉,使它们更容易破裂或堵塞. That can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other problems.

Blood pressure is considered high in teens and adults when the systolic, 或者最上面的数, 至少130毫米汞柱, 或者舒张舒张, 或者最下面的数, 是80毫米汞柱还是更高. Children also can develop hypertension.

儿童期患有高血压会在成年早期导致严重的健康后果, 博士说. 拉莎印度, 他是加州斯坦福大学的内科医生和心血管医学教授. Palaniappan is vice chair of the report's writing committee.

“从长远来看, we could be starting medications much earlier, and we really have to be on high alert for strokes, heart failure and other issues at an earlier age in the decades to come,她说.

To lower blood pressure, the AHA recommends eating a well-balanced diet that's low in salt, limiting alcohol consumption, staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, 不吸烟, managing stress and taking medication as prescribed.



Adults are doing better, 但仍然只有四分之一的人达到了每周150分钟的中度或75分钟的剧烈体育活动的指导方针, along with muscle-strengthening activities two or more days per week.


“美国大部分地区.S. population does not follow a healthy dietary pattern," Palaniappan said.

事实上,在报告中列出的所有心血管健康指标中,饮食是最糟糕的指标之一. On a scale from 0 to 100, 根据2013年至2018年全国健康与营养检查调查的数据,不同群体的饮食得分平均为24至48分.

Federal dietary guidelines 建议人们遵循一种饮食模式,包括营养丰富的食物和饮料, lots of fruits and vegetables, 全谷物, lean protein and nuts and seeds, 在限制钠的同时, 添加糖, saturated fat and alcohol.


The report found 42% of U.S. adults have obesity, as well as 20% of children and teens.

"The proportion of people in the U.S. who are overweight or obese has steadily increased in recent years. It's very alarming,马丁说.

“这份报告告诉我们,我们需要从青少年开始提倡更健康的行为, 我们需要大规模接受以证据为基础的减肥干预措施,他说. "肥胖 is a big problem that requires multipronged solutions."


The nation has made significant progress in reducing cigarette smoking, with consistent declines among U.S. youth and adults in recent decades.

But, the report found, many youth have turned to e-cigarettes. Among high school students, 1 in 7 reported using e-cigarettes, particularly the flavored versions, 在过去的30天里.


“我们需要对电子烟对健康的影响保持高度警惕,”帕拉尼亚潘说. "We are trending in the wrong direction."


心脏病和中风的风险因素对某些群体的影响比其他群体更大. 例如,美国黑人患高血压的频率.S. is among the highest in the world, the report said.

"In terms of cardiovascular risk factors and disparities, 有一个明确的迹象表明,我们需要加倍努力,真正以上个世纪的经验为基础,马丁说. "But we must also develop new, creative approaches."


“我们需要确保我们触及到人口的每一个角落和缝隙, 包括农村地区和受不利健康社会决定因素影响的服务不足地区, including lower socioeconomic status and lack of access to education, 卫生保健, healthy foods and safe neighborhoods,她说.

American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 Stories

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