Her husband found her unresponsive. He gave CPR, the first step toward her 'Stayin' Alive.'

By Lindsey Giardino, American Heart Association News

Regina Allemand (right) and her husband, Norbert. 当诺伯特发现雷吉娜没有反应时,他拨打了911并开始心肺复苏. (Photo courtesy of Regina Allemand)
Regina Allemand (right) and her husband, Norbert. 当诺伯特发现雷吉娜没有反应时,他拨打了911并开始心肺复苏. (Photo courtesy of Regina Allemand)

On a Saturday morning, 雷吉娜·阿勒曼德(Regina Allemand)走进她的房地产办公室,准备参加一个下午在新奥尔良郊区的看房会. 她比计划提前了,所以她去了她最喜欢的美甲沙龙做足疗.

快到复活节了,所以她给每个脚趾都选了不同的颜色. 当她上车准备离开时,她想知道她的家人是否已经开始了他们的一天.

她的丈夫和姐姐带着她患有痴呆症的妈妈去赌场. 雷吉娜打开手机上的应用程序,查看安装在她妈妈家里的摄像头. 她没看见那里有人,但她听到一种奇怪的哔哔声. 瑞金娜把车开到车库里去调查.

The beeping turned out to be coming from her sister's computer. Yet something else worrisome developed. Regina began having intense chest pains. 她打电话给丈夫诺伯特,让他知道发生了什么事. Thinking she was joking, 他讽刺地回答说,他会在开车的终点接她,带她去急诊室.

The call disconnected. Norbert thought he might have upset her. When she wasn't answering his calls, he drove to the house.

Walking in, the first thing he saw was Regina's feet. She was on the ground, her eyes open. She wasn't responsive.

Norbert called 911 and immediately began CPR. 他知道怎么做,因为他在一家化工厂的工作要求他每年都要接受培训.


"I got this," he responded.

诺伯特继续给妻子做心肺复苏术,直到医护人员接手. They loaded her onto a stretcher and headed to a hospital.

On the way, her heart stopped beating again. 医护人员使用了自动体外除颤器(AED)来恢复她的心律. She also was put on a breathing machine.

当救护车到达医院时,雷吉娜的牧师也到了. He was there to give her last rites.

Regina stayed on life support for two days. 意识清醒后,她同意在胸部植入心脏起搏器和除颤器. She was home within a week. However, she wasn't the same.

Sore ribs prevented her from enjoying hugs from well-wishers. Medication left her feeling emotionless. That continued for two months, until her son's wedding. 她走进去,想知道这个神奇的时刻是否会激发她的情感.

她说:“当我和他一起走过红毯时,我感到眼泪从我的眼睛里流下来。. "I put my finger up to it, and I felt a little alive. The world had been happening around me, but I wasn't there."

在她濒死经历的一周年纪念日,Regina举办了一个“活着”派对. The theme carried many messages.

Beyond her obvious joy of being alive, 比吉斯乐队的这首歌被用在心肺复苏训练中,因为它有一个节奏,人们在进行胸部按压时应该遵循(在紧张的情况下,标题更容易记住)。.

Regina Allemand (front) with friends at her
Regina Allemand(前)和朋友们在她的“活着”主题派对上庆祝她的生命被拯救一周年. (Photo courtesy of Regina Allemand)

她在派对上播放了这首歌,并分发了有关心肺复苏术更多信息的传单. She's devoted to spreading the word because only about 10% of people who go into cardiac arrest outside a hospital survive the event; if performed immediately, CPR can double or triple the chance of survival.


Stories From the Heart 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association News Stories

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