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People living in neighborhoods with high rates of environmental and socioeconomic problems may face a higher risk for heart disease and double the risk for stroke, 新研究发现.

研究, published Wednesday in the Journal of the 美国心脏协会, 发现了长期的环境和社会问题的结合, 包括更高的污染率和失业率, contributed to widening disparities in cardiovascular health and that environmental factors alone played a significant role.

"Our 研究 is one of the first to examine the impact of both social and environmental factors in combination and looked at the complex interplay between them,资深作者. Sarju Ganatra说 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上. Ganatra, 心脏病, is vice chair in the department of medicine for research and director of the Cardio-Oncology Program and South Asian Cardio-Metabolic Program at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, 麻萨诸塞州.

Recent studies have shown neighborhoods with greater social and environmental disadvantages have higher rates of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. 在这项新研究中, researchers wanted to explore how much of a role environmental factors played both independently and in combination with socioeconomic factors.

为了研究, 环境问题包括空气和水污染, 潜在危险或有毒场所的存在, 休闲公园很少,道路交通繁忙, 伴随着铁路和机场的出现. 社会因素包括种族和少数民族地位, 收入, 教育和就业水平, 住房状况、互联网接入和医疗保健.

的 analysis showed residents of the most environmentally and socially vulnerable neighborhoods had 1.68 times the rate of coronary heart disease and more than twice the rate of stroke compared to people in the least vulnerable neighborhoods. People in the most vulnerable areas also had higher rates of Type 2 diabetes, 慢性肾病, 高血压和肥胖.

"I was amazed to see the tight links and complex interplay between social and environmental factors on health outcomes,加纳特拉说. “我们能够证明它们对健康结果的‘双重打击’. 除此之外, we were more amazed by the fact that even after adjusting for socioeconomic factors, environmental factors played a crucial and independent role in determining various heart disease and other related health outcomes."

People living in the most environmentally and socially vulnerable neighborhoods had the highest percentage of Black and Hispanic adults (30% and 48%, 分别), while the least vulnerable neighborhoods had the lowest percentage of racial and ethnic minorities (5% and 11%).

研究人员, Ganatra说, believe reversing the impact of environmental and socioeconomic disadvantages will require a multipronged approach that includes reducing exposure to air pollution and establishing policies to address poverty, 城市复兴, 公共教育, 创造就业机会和经济适用房, 以及增加获得高质量卫生保健的机会.

"Our aim is to empower the health care community to better inform patients about environmental factors they encounter daily,他说. “病人, 反过来, gain the ability to reduce their exposure to harmful environmental conditions, such as exposure to harmful chemicals and air pollutants to minimize health hazards and mitigate health risks."


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