
By American Heart Association News

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(1shot Production/E+ via Getty Images)

The lack of a job, 健康保险或大学教育是与亚裔美国成年人患心脏病和中风风险因素增加有关的社会因素, new research finds.

But these and other factors, known as social determinants of health, may affect each Asian subgroup differently, according to the study该研究于周三发表在《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》上.

“尽管人们认为,与其他种族/族裔群体相比,亚裔美国人受健康社会决定因素的影响可能较小, 我们的研究结果表明,不利的社会因素与亚裔美国成年人心血管危险因素的高患病率有关," cardiologist Dr. Eugene Yang, the study's lead author, said in a news release. 他是西雅图华盛顿大学医学院的心脏病学和医学教授.

“亚裔美国人是美国人口增长最快的种族/族裔群体," Yang said. “从全球来看,南亚人患早发心脏病的比例更高, 最近发现他们的心血管死亡率高于非西班牙裔白人."

了解亚洲亚群之间存在心血管风险差异的原因对于降低风险和改善预后至关重要, he said.

研究人员分析了2013年至2018年美国6395名成年人的全国家庭调查数据.S. who identified as Asian. Within this group, 22% self-reported as Filipino, 22% as Asian Indian, 21% as Chinese and 35% as other Asian, which included Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and other groups. A majority of the participants were born outside the U.S.

Self-reported cardiovascular risk factors included diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, insufficient physical activity or sleep, and exposure to nicotine. A healthy diet was not measured.

研究人员为27个健康的社会决定因素创造了一个综合分数, rating them as favorable or unfavorable. The factors were divided into categories: economic stability, including employment and income status; neighborhood and social cohesion, including neighborhood trust and whether homes were rented or owned; mental health; food security; education; and health care utilization.

Overall, 对健康不利的社会决定因素与心血管疾病的危险因素之间有着密切的联系. 然而,这种关联在亚洲亚群中差异很大.

For example, 在中国成年人中,不利的社会因素越多,身体活动不足的可能性增加58%, 42% among Asian Indian adults and 24% among Filipino adults. 在中国成年人中,吸烟与2型糖尿病和尼古丁接触的关系也最为密切. 但与高血压的联系在菲律宾成年人中最为明显, 而与中国和菲律宾同龄人相比,印度亚裔成年人因负面社会因素而睡眠不佳的几率更高.

杨说,他和他的团队所排名的许多社会脆弱性都是相互关联的, such as neighborhood cohesion, economic stability and use of the health care system.

研究人员表示,在全国调查中纳入更多的亚裔美国人是很重要的,因为这项研究的样本量小,不允许对一些亚洲亚群进行个别分析, including Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese people.

American Heart Association News Stories

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