

As a caregiver, it’s normal to sometimes feel isolated, at a loss 和 unsure of yourself.

Remember: You’re not alone. Others have been down this same path — 和 many are willing to share their experience 和 insights with you.

The American Heart Association wants to help you, too. The resources below can be helpful as you care for someone who's had a heart event or stroke.

  • 沟通技巧: As a caregiver, you’re called on to communicate with many people. Constructive 和 effective communication is vital. Use these tips to communicate with your family 和 health care team.
  • 情感动荡: As a caregiver, you have to be realistic about what can 和 can’t be controlled. You can’t control that your loved one has a chronic or progressive disease. You can’t control the impact of that disease. But you can control how you respond to the situation.
  • Emotional support: Connect with other caregivers. Are you putting your own health 和 happiness on hold? Do you ever feel like you’ve “lost yourself” in your many caregiver responsibilities? 你并不孤单. It can be helpful to connect with those who have experienced the ups 和 downs of caregiving. They have valuable perspectives to share.
  • What is cardiovascular disease? If you’re caring for someone with cardiovascular problems, it helps to know the basics. Learn about the different types of cardiovascular disease 和 how they affect the body.
  • 病人工作表: Download 和 print these information sheets covering topics such as cardiovascular conditions, lifestyle changes 和 treatments 和 tests.
  • Order caregiver 和 other educational brochures: These AHA brochures 和 information packets can help you better underst和 all aspects of recovery 和 care.

Learn more about caring for someone: