Medication Adherence: 按医嘱服药

pharmacist holding prescription behind the counter

It is estimated that over half the medications prescribed for people with chronic diseases are not taken as directed.

Taking medication correctly may seem like a simple or personal matter, 但效果不, 或者不按医嘱服药, 是一个复杂而普遍的问题吗. People do not realize the real damage or effects of non-adherence. When people with chronic conditions such as 心血管病 do not take medication as directed, the repercussions can be severe. For instance, not keeping blood pressure in check can lead to 心脏病, 中风 还有肾衰竭.

Poor medication adherence takes the lives of 125,每年有1000名美国人, and costs the health care system as much as $300 billion a year in additional medical appointments, emergency department visits and hospitalizations.

There are many reasons why people are not able to take their medication as directed.

  • 他们可能会忘记.
  • They may not be convinced of the medication’s effectiveness or be unsure that it is working.
  • They may fear the side effects or have difficulty taking the medication.
  • The rising cost of prescription medications is a barrier for many. 

Some may face a combination of these reasons for not taking their medications. One person may face different barriers at different times as they manages their condition. 不管是什么原因, 你可能会错过潜在的好处, quality of life improvements and protection against future illness or serious health complications if you’re not taking your medications as directed.

Taking your medication as directed is a decision YOU make most of the time.

It gives you the best opportunity to manage your condition and maintain the best possible health for yourself. Think about what a difference taking your medicines might make in your life — do you want to attend your grandchild’s baseball game, walk your daughter down the aisle or lower your blood pressure by 20%? Whatever your goal may be, make it yours and use it as a motivator to 管理你的药物 还有你的健康.

One of the best ways to meet your goal is to 和你的健康护理专家谈谈 or pharmacist about the medications you are taking. They can provide you with tips on how to 管理你的药物, 包括如果你错过了一剂药该怎么办, if you can take them with other medications or vitamins, 要避免的食物和任何可能的 副作用和相互作用.

Establishing a strong relationship with your health care professional or pharmacist can create an open environment where you feel comfortable asking 问题 and expressing concerns about a medication. Having a conversation with your health care professional about how your medication impacts your health is crucial to managing your condition and taking back your health.

If you don’t like what one member of your health care team is saying about taking a medication, 征求第二意见 另一个医学专家. Where you get your advice is also a decision you make. Check with your health insurance provider if they cover second opinions. Many health insurance providers will cover the cost of the visit.

If you are on government-funded health programs, ask the staff of those facilities what options you have to 征求第二意见. Are there other facilities in the area that allow you to speak to another health care professional before you make any care decisions? Finding a health care professional that you trust may take some time and effort, 但这是你的权利和决定.

While talking to your health care professional or pharmacist can help you understand the need to take your medication, additional resources may be needed to help you keep track of your medications. 短信提醒, medication lists and videos on how to administer medications are some examples of ways to provide extra support.

还记得, if you don’t take your medication as directed, you could be putting your present and future health at risk.