有糖尿病? 也要确保控制胆固醇


(Maya23K, Getty Images)

For people with diabetes, blood sugar isn't the only important measurement. 新的胆固醇指南建议,超过1.1亿美国人每天摄入的胆固醇.S. adults with diabetes or prediabetes also should manage their cholesterol.

The guidelines released earlier this month during the 美国心脏协会's 科学会议 conference suggest doctors consider prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins to people with diabetes who are age 40 to 75. The guidelines also give a raft of other specific recommendations for people with diabetes based on age and other risk factors.

一段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽以来,从科学角度来看,事实已经很清楚了, but many people are not aware of the connection: Middle-age adults with diabetes are usually considered at moderate to high risk for cardiovascular disease.

“这并不新鲜,但很重要. If you have diabetes, you have to work to get your cholesterol under control," said Dr. 斯科特心胸狭窄的人, chair of the guidelines writing committee and professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Dallas.

Shaun Rivers and Kim Ketter preach much the same thing to their clients.

Their company in Petersburg, Virginia, provides diabetes counseling and educational training. The women, 谁是双胞胎?, believe managing chronic conditions such as diabetes need a "holistic approach."

For them, 这意味着要关注大局, 喜欢运动, 血压和胆固醇.

"We liken it to a three-legged stool," said Ketter, a nurse practitioner. "All things are connected, and you have to learn to manage them all. 如果你修复了一个, 你可以帮我搞定其他的, 如果你没能做到, 凳子可能会倒."

美国有超过3000万人患有糖尿病, 尽管四分之一的人不知道, 根据疾病控制和预防中心的统计数据. 另有8000万人患有前驱糖尿病, a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, 但还没有高到被诊断为2型糖尿病的程度.

在过去的20年里, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than tripled as the population has aged and become more overweight or obese.

心脏病的危险因素已经得到确认, 比如吸烟, 高血压和高血糖. There also are what the new cholesterol guidelines call "risk-enhancing factors" such as family history, 慢性肾脏疾病和代谢综合征. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of at least three diagnosed conditions, 包括高血压, 高血糖, 腰部脂肪过多,胆固醇水平异常.

Rivers and Ketter use everyday items such as garden hoses to explain what the waxy-like, 脂肪堆积的胆固醇会对身体造成伤害.

"Folks don't understand how it can affect the body overall," Ketter said. "It's like a garden hose, and you have gunk and stuff inside of it accumulated over the years. You are going to have to turn up the pressure to get the same water through that hose. 如果这些乱七八糟的东西堵塞了动脉, 你得加大压力, 这意味着你的心脏跳动得更厉害了."

While the new cholesterol guidelines suggest doctors talk to patients with diabetes about risk, lifestyle, 可能需要他汀类药物, Ketter said she also wants to make sure her patients "on the cusp" of needing medicine are willing to work on good nutrition, 锻炼和任何“坏习惯”."

“这将改变他们很多人的生活方式,里弗斯说, 高级糖尿病临床护理专家.

她和她姐姐应该知道这件事. 尽管“其他方面都很健康”," the two were diagnosed about a decade ago with congestive heart failure, 可能是遗传原因.

"In our own personal lives, we deal with (cholesterol)," Ketter said. “我们的病人尊重我们的诚实. 生活是一连串的丘陵和山谷. Sometimes you are in the valley and can't get it right and sometimes you are on the hill and looking out. 不管怎样,你都要改正,然后继续前进."

查看更多线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 科学会议.

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