Strength and Balance Exercises

如果你有健康问题,或者你一直不爱运动,想要剧烈运动, 在开始体育锻炼计划之前,先咨询一下你的健康护理团队. 他们可以帮你找到适合你需要和身体状况的项目. If you're at high risk of heart disease, your health care professional might conduct an exercise stress test to identify any potential problems.

Illustration Of Stretch

Arm Raise

Purpose: Strengthen shoulder muscles.

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 手举重物(一到两磅开始),双臂伸直放在身体两侧,手掌向内. Breathe in slowly.
  • 当你将双臂向两侧抬起,直到它们与地面平行时,慢慢地呼气, shoulder height.
  • Hold for one second. 然后,当你慢慢放下你的手臂时,呼气,使它们再次在你的两侧垂直向下.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times. Rest, then do a second set.

Tricep Extension Illustration

Triceps Extension

Purpose: 加强肱三头肌(上臂后部).

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 左手拿一个砝码(一到两磅),尽量抬起左臂. 弯曲你的手臂,让你的肘部指向天花板,把你的手和重量放在你身后. 用右手将左臂托在肘部以下.
  • 慢慢地(大约三秒钟)伸直你的左臂,让你的左手伸向天花板.
  • Hold for one second. 然后,慢慢地(大约三秒钟)弯曲你的手肘来降低你身后的重量. 在整个练习过程中,继续用右手支撑左臂.
  • Pause, then straighten and lower your arm again.
  • 完成一组,然后把重量放在右手,锻炼右臂.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times with each arm. Rest, then do a second set.

Heel-To-Toe Walk Illustration

Walking Heel-to-Toe

Purpose: Improve balance.

Starting Position: Stand close to a wall for balance.


  • 选择你前面的一个地方,专注于它,让你走路时保持稳定.
  • 走路时将一只脚的脚跟放在另一只脚的脚趾前面. Your heel and toes should touch or almost touch.
  • Repeat for 20 heel-to-toe steps.

Leg Extension Illustration

Leg Extensions

Purpose: Strengthen the thigh and leg muscles.

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽. 你可以抓住座位的两侧来支撑.


  • 呼气,抬起一条腿,直到膝盖伸直. 你的腿应该稍微离开椅子.
  • 弯曲你的脚,把脚趾指向天花板.
  • Hold for one second.
  • 吸气,慢慢地把腿放回开始的位置,双脚放在地板上.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times on each side. Rest, then do a second set.

Side Leg Raise Illustration

Side Leg Raise

Purpose: Strengthen hips, thighs and buttocks.

Starting Position: 站在直背椅子后面,双手放在椅背上保持平衡. Place your feet slightly apart. Breathe in slowly.


  • 呼出一口气,慢慢地将右腿向外抬起,直到两脚相距12到18英寸. 保持背部和腿部伸直,脚趾向前. 你站立的腿应该稍微弯曲.
  • Hold for one second. 然后,慢慢地把腿放回起始位置.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times with each leg. Rest, then do another set.

Plantar Stretch Illustration

Plantar Flex

Purpose: Strengthen ankle and calf muscles.

Starting Position: 站在直背椅子后面,双手放在椅背上保持平衡. Place your feet slightly apart. Keep your upper body straight.

  • 呼气,慢慢抬起脚跟,尽量踮起脚尖站立.
  • Hold for one second.
  • 当你慢慢把脚跟放低到地板上时,吸气.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times; rest a minute, then do another set of 6 to 8.

Note: Work your way up to 15 repetitions per set.

Hamstring Curl Illustration

Hamstring Curl

Purpose: Stretch quadricep muscles on front of thigh. Strengthen hamstring muscles on back of thigh.

Starting position: 站在直背椅子后面,双手放在椅背上保持平衡. Place your feet slightly apart. Keep your upper body straight.


  • 将身体重心转移到右腿上,保持腿轻微弯曲. 慢慢弯曲左膝,保持双膝并拢.
  • 慢慢吸气,将左脚抬离地面10到12英寸. Bend only at the knee.
  • Slowly return to starting position. Repeat.
  • Complete one set, then work the other leg.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times with each leg. Rest, then do another set.

Standing On One Foot Illustration

Standing on One Foot

Purpose: Improve balance.

Starting Position: Stand close to a wall, chair or table for balance.


  • Shift your weight onto one leg. 一只脚站立,另一只腿在你面前伸展,离地几英寸.
  • Stand on one leg for eight counts.
  • 为了额外的锻炼,弯曲并指向你抬起的脚. That is, bend the ankle so your toes point away from you, 然后弯曲脚踝,使脚趾朝向你. Flex and point eight times.
  • Slowly return your leg to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Repeat 10-15 times with each leg.

Illustration Of Stretching

Bicep Curl

Purpose: Strengthen upper arm muscles.

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 手举重物(一到两磅开始),双臂伸直放在身体两侧.

  • 把手放在你觉得舒服的位置:
    • 手掌向前,大拇指朝外(如图所示)
    • 手掌向内,大拇指向前
    • Palms facing out with your thumbs facing back
  • Keeping your elbows close to your sides, 慢慢弯曲一只手臂,举起你的手的重量到你的胸部. The lift should take about three seconds.
    • 如果你的手掌朝前,向上举向肩膀,如图所示.
    • 如果你的手掌朝内,在抬举的时候扭曲你的手,使你的手掌朝向你的肩膀.
    • If your palm is facing out, lift to the side instead of the front, toward the outside of your shoulder.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Hold for one second. 然后慢慢放下你的手,回到开始的位置. Take about three seconds to lower your hand.
  • Pause and then repeat with the other arm.

Repeat: 6 to 8 times on each side. Rest, then do a second set.