Cooking Technique: Healthy Sautéing

Sautee Cooking Technique Healthy Sauteing

不是厨师? 别担心,我们大多数人都不是.

Making a meal can seem pretty daunting, especially when you don’t have the gift of time. But cooking at home doesn’t have to be hard, 和 it sure doesn’t have to be fancy. There are fun ways to prepare a meal that will leave you, 你的家人, 和 even your guests amazed at how good healthy, 简单的食物有味道. So think outside your microwave tonight 和 try this fun cooking technique – the “art” of sautéing.

Traditionally, sautéing uses fats 和 oils to cook vegetables, seafood 和 meats. Light sautéing uses just a small amount of liquid, like broth, wine, juice or even plain water. It seems like many basic recipes start with a sautéed onion. But not all sautéing is good for you. 谁知道

Here’s how to sauté the healthy way. And yes, it’s still going to taste awesome – we promise.

  1. Heat one to two tablespoons of broth or water in a skillet over medium heat.
  2. Once the liquid begins to bubble, add the chopped or sliced onions 和 cook, 激动人心的频繁, 大概五分钟.
  3. Don’t stress if the onions start to stick to the pan. Just add a little more liquid 和 keep stirring. This will free the onions that got stuck to your pan 和, 信不信由你, those little sticky pieces can add delicious flavor to your dish. If your onions look like they’re starting to burn, just turn the heat down a little.

看看这个! Now you’ve started so there’s no looking back.

There are many ways you can sauté – starting with just vegetables 和 going from there. If you do start with a selection of veggies, it’s a good idea to cut them in the same size pieces. Sauté them just until they’re tender-crisp. Resist the urge to add more than a couple of tablespoons of liquid at a time, otherwise you’ll just end up boiling your food.


试着把肉切碎! 比如鸡胸肉, 排, 和牛排, start with a nonstick skillet lightly sprayed with cooking spray. Cook the meat over medium heat for about a minute or so on each side to brown it. Then add a few tablespoons of liquid to the pan (just like we talked about above) 和 cook until the meat is done. The great news is most meats will release some additional liquid as you cook, so you won’t have to add much at all. As the liquid starts to boil down, you’ll see it add a rich glaze to the meat. 听起来很奇妙,对吧??


Think about fun flavor combinations, like orange juice with chicken or red wine with steak.

这就是sautaciming 101. What are some of your favorite things to sauté? Share your ideas with us using #AddColor on our 脸谱网 和 推特 pages.











