
By American Heart Association News

Raphye Alexius/Image Source, Getty Images
(Raphye Alexius/Image Source, Getty Images)

Major life milestones – such as starting a new school or job, getting married, 生孩子或退休——通常会导致身体活动水平下降,这可能会损害心脏健康, a new science report warns.

人们和他们的卫生保健专业人员应该更加注意过渡时期,以防止久坐行为的增加, 根据周三发表在美国心脏协会期刊上的科学声明 Circulation.

“体育活动是一种重要的心脏健康行为,久坐和不活动对你没有好处," writing group chair Abbi D. Lane-Cordova said in a news release. Lane-Cordova是哥伦比亚南卡罗来纳大学阿诺德公共卫生学院的运动科学助理教授.

"This is a particularly important topic right now because, in addition to life's other major events, 2019冠状病毒病大流行再次扰乱了每个人的日常生活和活动水平," she said.

联邦体育活动指南要求成年人每周进行150分钟或更长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的中等强度或75分钟的剧烈有氧运动, or a combination of the two. 对成年人的建议还包括每周至少两次的肌肉强化活动. 儿童和青少年每天应该进行60分钟或更多的中度到剧烈的体育活动. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 只有五分之一的青少年和四分之一的成年人定期达到这些目标.


这份新声明的撰写小组回顾了17个人生里程碑和转折时期的身体活动水平研究,发现其中9个时期的活动水平有所下降. These included entering a new school – be it elementary, middle, 高中或大学——开始一份新工作或改变职业. People also moved less after getting married or pregnant, becoming parents, retiring or entering a long-term care facility.

There was no conclusive evidence, however, that other life events – such as losing a job or spouse, 离婚或再婚会导致身体活动水平下降.

该声明还指出,研究表明,在生活转型期间最需要体育锻炼支持的人群. These included people with lower levels of education; people from sexual or gender minority groups; Black people; and women during pregnancy and parenthood.

该声明还指出了影响年轻人保持身体活动能力的一系列因素, 比如社区犯罪率和离学校或娱乐设施的距离.

Because sedentary behavior can be a cardiovascular disease risk factor, 该声明建议医疗保健专业人员与患者讨论在重大生活变化期间保持活跃的方法,并提供指导. It recommends tapping into community resources, 例如由基于信仰的组织提供的,并鼓励使用诸如计步器之类的工具.

莱恩-科尔多瓦说,过渡时期“通常是最需要锻炼的时候”. "There are so many ways people can do this. They could plan family activities that involve exercise, 利用免费视频或网站在家锻炼,或在工作时站着休息. 最重要的是要意识到体育活动对健康和心血管的积极影响,并努力运动起来."

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American Heart Association News Stories

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