

谢丽尔·威尔逊 thought she was in great health.

She exercised regularly, watched her diet and didn’t have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. She was also a Weight Watchers coach, promoting a healthy lifestyle to her clients.
所以当威尔逊被诊断为 外周动脉疾病 (PAD) 13 years ago, she was shocked.

威尔逊当时并不知道, but as a former smoker who had a family history of heart disease, 她有患PAD的风险, a condition in which a buildup of fatty plaque deposits in arteries restricts blood supply to leg muscles. 

It took several weeks for 威尔逊 to learn that the pain she was feeling when walking while pulling a handcart for her job wasn’t a pulled muscle. It was only after she got an ultrasound and ankle-brachial index test that she learned the source of her discomfort. 
“When I was diagnosed, I felt very isolated,威尔逊说, who lives in Chesapeake, Virginia. “I didn’t know anyone who had it, so I had no one to talk to about what I was going through.”
超过8个.美国有500万人.S. 有垫. People who smoke are twice as likely to have it. Black people and those with diabetes are also at a higher risk for the disease. Heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are other risk factors.
常见症状包括灼烧, 疼痛, 抽筋, 麻木, fatigue or discomfort in the leg or hip muscles while walking. 

威尔逊, who initially couldn’t find many resources when she looked for support groups, serves on the steering committee for Vascular Cures, an organization that promotes research and education about PAD.  
“PAD is still very much underdiagnosed,威尔逊说, who regularly shares her story with other patients. “So many people have it and think it’s an old injury or that they’re dehydrated. People need to get educated about it so that they can take better care of themselves.”
About 150,000 leg amputations are performed in the U.S. each year, according to the 美国心脏协会. Most are for people with PAD and diabetes. But amputations can be prevented by working closely with a doctor at the first sign of PAD. The disease can also be managed by making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, controlling diabetes and high blood pressure, engaging in physical activity and eating a heart-healthy diet. 

自从得知她得了这种病, 威尔逊 has reduced her sugar and beef intake, walks as much as possible and doesn’t miss a chance to educate her family and friends about the disease.

威尔逊 encourages people with PAD to seek a second opinion and find a doctor with whom they feel comfortable. 
“You need to do everything your doctor tells you to, but doctors or a pill can’t do everything,”她说。. “You need to trust your gut and learn as much as you can.”

威尔逊 also advises people with PAD to just move.
“I like to challenge everyone to move their bodies 30 minutes a day more than they already do,”她说。. “We all need to show our heart some love.” 

Hear Cheryl and medical experts in this podcast: Understanding PAD: One Step at a Time


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