J.B. 史塔克的PAD故事

J.B. 在湖边自拍

On a warm November day, just before Thanksgiving, Jerald “J.B.” 斯塔克斯 put on his canvas shoes 和 light jacket 和 headed out the door to run err和s.

But when the sunny morning turned into icy rain 和 snow that pelted the Chicago resident, he thought about running home to change. Yet, he pressed on with his to-do list.

The decision would forever change his life. 
Over the next couple of days, 斯塔克斯’ feet ached. His toes changed colors 和 became inflamed. 当疼痛没有消失, 他去了急诊室, where he learned that he had frostbite that quickly turned into gangrene.

Several lab tests later revealed 斯塔克斯 had 外周动脉疾病, 或垫, which occurs when peripheral arteries that carry blood away from the heart to other parts of the body narrow. The most common type is lower-extremity PAD, in which blood flow is reduced to the legs 和 feet.

As a result, all five toes on 斯塔克斯’ left foot were amputated. 
斯塔克斯是非裔美国人 2型糖尿病, two factors that greatly increase risk f或垫. 斯塔克斯’ mother also had PAD, putting him at greater risk.
“尽管我知道PAD, I didn’t recognize the symptoms 和 didn’t realize it was hereditary,史塔克说. “我没有把事实和事实联系起来.”
Peripheral arterial disease affects more than 8.美国有500万人.S. each year, with smokers twice as likely to have it. 心脏病, 高血压 和 高胆固醇 PAD还有其他危险因素吗.

最常见的症状是灼烧, 疼痛, 抽筋, 麻木, fatigue or discomfort in leg or hip muscles while walking. Pain usually goes away with rest 和 returns when one is active again. Symptoms can make it difficult to walk or engage in usual activities, 生活质量严重下降. 
About 150,000 leg amputations are performed in the U.S. each year, according to the 美国心脏协会. Most are for people with diabetes 和 PAD. But you can ask your doctor about other treatment options, 如果需要的话, get a second opinion as 斯塔克斯 did after his initial vascular surgeon suggested that he get his entire leg below the knee amputated.
After 斯塔克斯 switched doctors, he received a femoral bypass on his right leg. 治疗左腿外周动脉炎, he took part in a therapeutic medical trial that focused on high-intensity walking, which is “essentially walking through the pain,他说. 

在审判开始的时候, he couldn’t walk more than 15 minutes at a time, but over time conditioned himself to walk up to two hours without a break. As a result, the circulation in his legs improved from 50% to 70% — a stunning increase. 
“这真的很了不起,”斯塔克斯说. “I didn’t make any changes to my treatment besides the high-intensity walking, but it has really improved my circulation.” 
回顾, 斯塔克斯 wishes he had done several things differently, including not ignoring the persistent 抽筋 in his calves, a sign that his lower leg muscles weren’t getting enough blood. He also said he should have realized the family connection with the disease.

今天, 斯塔克斯 urges anyone who experiences symptoms of PAD, 尤其是持续的腿痛, to immediately seek medical attention.
“Doctors are very good at identifying diabetes or kidney disease, but it seems to be more difficult to diagnose 和 treat PAD patients, 和 it may take a while to get a referral to the right cardiovascular surgeon,史塔克说. 
And he encourages those with 外周动脉疾病 to try high-intensity walking 和 other therapies when possible, instead of rushing to surgery or amputation. 
“You just have to keep it moving,他说.


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